Monday, October 22, 2007

about the libraly ghost in mmu

is that all people want to know is where ....when u know alrdy , i scared u not dare to go there alrdy.....ok ....the ghost place is in the toilet of second floor , is in girl toilet , some people say only in toilet, in the place of keep book also have , actually my sister fren got see it before ....the cas is like that........that day he study in the libraly because that time is no study week so libraly a few people only , i think even u count all people only have 20 people in the libraly that time .... and also very very quiet that time so when she go to find a book in the second floor in the corner , but i dun no which corner ....any way dun want let u know better lah , u know lah ghost like to hide in the corner talk back my story after she find the book she past by the corner then he see a littlie girl sitting at the floor and she face facing to the floor and heard her at the time my sister fren run away but haven reach the 1st floor she pengsan liao....then the libarian go and weak her up and ask her what happen .... but she know the people will not belive has ghost this thing in this world espesically the malay people lah she faster ran back to her hostel and tell her fren .......but all people dun belive lah ...but i dun no u belive or not , but i think u can go and see wheather got or not then u say to me lah...ha ha ha the toilet they say some people see a hand coming downward from the toilet door when they are making shit in the girl toilet , but that is a children hand very small de so ....scared or not ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, u need 2 fix ur language.. ur english is quite poor.. no hard feelings.. juz a frenly advice.. ;)